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Records Request for Service Documentation

Active-Duty Personnel Records Request

Call: 1-866-272-6272
If an Army Veteran needs evidence of a discharge for disability, contact the US Army Physical Disability Agency at 1-877-577-3065

Correct My Military Records

Call: 1-888-332-7411

Reservist and National Guardsmen Records Request

National Guard

NGB-22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service or NGB-23 (Retirement Points Accounting)
Call: 1-888-276-9472

Army Reserve

DARP Form 249-2E (Chronological Statement of Retirement Points or ARPC Form 606-E
Call: 1-888-276-9472 (if October 2022 or later)
If discharged prior to October 2022 send the SF-180 to Archives

Navy Reserve

NRPC 1070-124 (Annual Retirement Point Record)
Call: 1-866-827-5672 (if discharged from 1995 to present) or
Prior to 1995, call the National Archives and specifically request the Points Record, not just the service Jacket (service record)

Air Force Reserve

AF 526 (Point Summary Sheet)
Call: 1-800-525-0102, Option 3, then 2, then option 1 (if discharged 2004 or later)
Prior to 2004, call the National Archives and specifically request the Points Record, not just the service jacket (service record)

Marine Corps Reserve

NAVMC HQ509 or NAVMC 798(Reserve Retirement Credit Report)
Call: 1-703-784-9307, no website available

Coast Guard Reserve

CG 4174 or 4175 (USCG Reserve Retirement Points Statement)
Call: 1-866-772-8724

Reserve and National Guardsmen

For VA loan eligibility Reservists and National Guard members must furnish proof of six years of creditable service with an HONORABLE discharge unless they were ordered to active duty IAW Title 10 United States Code (USC). The creditable service required for VA loan eligibility equals at least 16 points per year. The veteran must earn at least one Active Duty or Inactive Duty point every twelve months. Membership points are not counted as creditable service. For more on the reserve point system, feel free to take the Understanding the Reserve and Guard Point System course assigned in the VVA LMS. Contact for access.

For Reservists and National Guard members that qualify via Title 10 (Active-Duty) activation for at least a 90 consecutive day period. You must submit the member’s DD-214 showing the Character of Service (COS) and the narrative reason for the separation (Member 4). Members that were released from active duty for training or active duty for special work do not qualify for a Certificate of Eligibility.

National Guard

If active, a statement of service is required. The statement of service must be on military letterhead, signed by a Commanding Officer or Personnel Office, and state that the member is active, reserve, or National Guard, date of entry, SS#, DOB, any prior service, time lost, number of creditable years of service, and whether the member is on Title 10 or Title 32, and if on active duty as a Reservist or National Guardsman. If a member is no longer active, provide the National Guard (NGB-22 or 23) to verify reserve duty.


If active, a statement of service is required. The statement of service must be on military letterhead, signed by a Commanding Officer or Personnel Office, and state that the member is active, reserve, or National Guard, date of entry, SS#, DOB, any prior service, time lost, number of creditable years of service, and whether the member is on Title 10 or Title 32, and if on active duty as a Reservist or National Guardsman. If a member is no longer active, the points statement and evidence of HONORABLE discharge are required.

*PLEASE NOTE: Reservists, must meet the length of service requirements regardless of the award of VA service-connected disability. The only exception is if the member was ‘Discharged” from service due to a VA service-connected disability. For example, if a member is discharged honorably prior to meeting the length of service requirements and then goes through the VA disability process to get their rating finalized AFTER discharge, they  are NOT eligible for VA loan benefits. They must meet the length of service requirements.

Please note that the VA will make the ultimate determination if a servicemember or Veteran is eligible for VA loan benefits. View Chapter 2 of the VA Lender Handbook for additional guidance. Chapter 2, VA Lender Handbook

*Resources assembled by